Pear fruits importing to China from Italy 2023/24 update
Italian pears importing to China announced during Fruit Attraction 2023/24, especially to the Emilia Romagna region, accounting for 70% of pear cultivation in Italy, it is called “the kingdom of Italian pears”. The announcement was made during Fruit Attraction, the international event held in Madrid, the first containers fresh pears that will be soon shipped to China from Italy.
Italian pears importing to China -optimistic results & opportunities
Pears fruit importing to China from Italy announced 2023/24 which is to processed after the positive results of the latest China Import inspections conducted which is the positive trades opportunities for both countries: Italy and China. Italian pears importing to China get approved recently, it’s a cheerful news, especially for the Emilia Romagna region, it is called “the kingdom of Italian pears”, accounting for 70% of pear cultivation in Italy, The announcement was made during Fruit Attraction, the international event held in Madrid, the first containers fresh pears that will be soon shipped to China from Italy port.
Noticeably, China is an important market with new generation consumers that demand for higher quality fresh produces, especially for fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce is a strong sector in Italy, its variety pears fruit product has better potential in China market among local Chinese consumer which quality fresh produces are attractive and well welcome.
Soon, the Chinese consumers will get a taste of Italy sunny pear varieties, specially produced in the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, its fresh fruit pears well-known with variations, such as: Abate Fetel, Conference, Decana del Comizio, Kaiser, Max Red Bartlett, it is called the kingdom of Italian pears, and it is “the most Italian pear of all”. Also, the Emilia-Romagna region is excellent in European pear production, certainly sun-drenched pears from Italy will give the Chinese consumers a very delightful Italy pears flavour.
The kingdom of Italian pears producers energised by reaching China market
Fresh produces, pears fruits in particular, is a strong sector in Italy, and its products be able reach the prosperous Chinese market, certainly the Italians farmers, producers and traders of the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, does not take this chance lightly, it is a important step for the fresh produce segment in Italy, in particular for the Emilia-Romagna region pears producers, it considered as a significant achievement, after heavily affected by the recent flood, and this region is also the leading production area in Italy with various PGI products.
Obviously, for Italy fresh produce sector, it sees as so right moment, its fresh produces to enter the Chinese market, it is an important milestone for the opening of this important market to such an important product for the national sector and for the Emilia-Romagna region. This year's pears harvest has been estimated in 200 thousand tons of good-quality produce with a wide range of varieties.
Pears fruit consumption in China - demand for fresh pears has surged
Fresh Pears have become very popular recent two years in China, the real reason is linked with reducing the symptoms caused by COVID according to Chinese traditional believe that consuming fresh pears can improve overall breathing condition, especially, boiled fresh pears puree are known for easing coughs, and positive effect to the organs of the respiratory system. To help get rid of some of the symptoms triggered by COVID is the main reason that resulting the demand for fresh pears has surged in the past two years in the Chinese market.
During the same period, naturally, the price and the sales volume for fresh pears also swelled up for different varieties, in some regions, fresh pears price has doubled, especially, for some brand quality pears, the price have increased by 40% and 50%, as China pear market insiders pointed out that even with fresh pears some regional wholesale markets’ sales volume and prices have risen. Fresh pears’ price is making history in China in the process of recovering from COVIN. It’s called softer Pears Power in easing the harder COVIN effect on the human organs of the respiratory system.
Most Chinese peoples hold on the philosophy of “food is medicine”, for protecting the normal health, providing its nutritional need, defending body’s need during seasonal transitions, consuming desire more natural fresh produces, fresh pears in particular, to provide full nutrition the body needed, consuming fresh pears in autumn and winter are more beneficial. Therefore, pears are the most welcome fresh produce in those critical transitional seasons in the Chinese market. It’s not surprising that Italian quality pears attracting more Chinese consumers right this seasonal moment.
The top imported fruits in China by value in 2022
China’s fruit imports in 2022 remained a rising trend, even with terrible COVID pandemic, special challenging year for the fruit trade, particularly, China imported fruits fresh produces 7.33 million metric tons, valued $14.6 billion in 2022, representing year-on-year (YOY) increases of 4%, and 8%, respectively, according to China Import and Export of Foodstuffs a related report.
Top 6 sorts of fruit China imports by volume in 2022:
- fresh durians ($4.03 billion, suppliers: Thailand, Vietnamese)
- fresh cherries ($2.77 billion, supplier: Chile )
- bananas ($1.16 billion, suppliers: Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia)
- mangosteens ($630 million, supplier: Thailand)
- coconuts ($570 million, supplier: Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam)
- fresh longans ( $510 million, supplier: Vietnam)
Top 10 fruits suppliers by value to China market in 2022:
- Thailand ($6.28 billion, −3.8% YOY)
- Chile ($3.35 billion, +40.8% YOY)
- Vietnam ($1.27 billion, +42.7% YOY)
- the Philippines ($0.67 billion, +3.1% YOY)
- New Zealand ($0.63 billion, −1.6% YOY)
- Peru ($0.57 billion, +39% YOY)
- South Africa ($0.26 billion, +4% YOY)
- Cambodia ($0.25 billion, +19%YOY)
- Australia ($0.21 billion, −32.3% YOY)
- Indonesia ($0.21 billion, +0% YOY)
Requirements update pear fruits importing to China
Pear fruits importing to China requirements in general, pears fruit is under the category of fruits, beside following the general rules of China fruits importing procedures, moreover, Pear fruits importing to China have some special requirements. The pears must be appropriately processed, inspected, packed, stored and transported, and must be subject to strict quarantine supervision by AQSIQ and/or the branch of AQSIQ known as the China Inspection and Quarantine Organization (CIQ).
The major quality management authorities in China
The CIQ is abbreviation of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureaus, directly governed by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ). There are 35 CIQ-offices in China’s 31 provinces, near 300 branches all acting as extended arms of AQSIQ, and more than 200 local offices cross the country, with 30,000 examiners conducting inspection at different ports (air, land, and sea) in mainland China, inspectors work closely with laboratories, local offices, and other entities, to secure the quality of products imported to China.
Under the directive describes the Plant Health policy on importation of fresh temperate fruit. It outlines import requirements for fruit which is approved for import, and the protocol for applying for approval to import fresh temperate fruit from a new source country.
Getting a CIQ declaration
One of the biggest obstacles you can come across is if the Chinese customs stop or seize your products. with such situation, you need to either: Apply for a CIQ-declaration; or prepare to provide the missing documents. It’s preferred to prepare a CIQ declaration upfront, even if it costs a little extra. It can save you plenty of time and money, minimizing the risks that the customs seize your goods for a long time.
Documents needed when applying for a CIQ declaration
In general, The documents will be handed over from your import agent to the agents at the China customs. Working with an agent that is experienced and has personnel on-site will make the process much easier for you, it’s worth the extra cost. In any case, you need to provide the following documents when applying for a CIQ declaration:
- Information about your company
- Information about the products you intend to export.
- Reasons why your goods can be declared.
- A quota certificate (if necessary)
- Bill of lading
- Invoice
- Customs declaration
- Sales contract
- Import license.
- Inspection certificate
- Other quality licenses
- A safety compliance declaration, ensuring that your products conform to specific standards.
Items Checked by CIQ:
After the inspectors have approved your goods, the CIQ personnel will stamp the clearance slips. This is crucial, as the customs will require that the clearance slips are stamped, before letting your goods passing through. Items Checked by CIQ:
- The labelling of your products
- Packaging
- Making a visual check your products are the same as stated before.
- Information related to the product itself, such as product names, brand numbers/models, where the products have been produced.
Obtaining CIQ certificate
The CIQ certificate includes the following information:
- The declared value of your goods
- Name and address of exporter
- Site of CIQ inspection (in China)
- Container number and seal number
- Findings on appearance and package inspection
- Result of price verification
- Findings on testing / Complying with standards X, Y, Z
- Conformity assessment opinion (Qualified / Not qualified)
- Documents attached.
- The seal of the inspection body (stamp) & signature by the inspector.
To provide information related to the product, such as:
- Serial numbers
- Product description
- HS codes
- Place of origin
- Quantity
- Unit standard (sqm, litters, etc)
- Number and type of packages
- Unit price (in USD)
- Result of price evaluation
- Result of total quantity and price evaluation
To include the CR code
The CR number referred to as CR code is a Customs Registration number that you receive after you have registered your products with the China customs. You must include the CR code in your customs declaration to import the products into China.
To obtain the List of Chinese importers for pears fruits in China
The list of Chinese importers for pears fruits in China is handy, practical, and effective, completely revised and updated for a whole new generation of achievers, this standard DCCCHINA.ORG #1 winner has served and support pear fruits suppliers to China worldwide.
Join the countless of entrepreneurs, business owners, and small vendors who have elevated their business and resulting improved profits to a whole new level of success through this totally revised and updated edition Chinese importers for pear fruits in China.
China is leading fruits importing country. For international pear fruits producers, seasonal fruits imports/exports businesses, pear fruits production firms that try to importing pear fruits, and other fresh fruits produces to China, now the Chinese importers/distributers for pear fruits & fresh fruits products in China is available upon request.
For further information. Please contact our Chamber: CHINA.ORG- the authentic China commercial organization assists foreign companies to connect with reliable Chinese importers, distributors in details.