What role does nutrition value play in children’s snacks in China?
Nutrition value in children’s snacks has never been so highly emphasised in China so far. Chinese consumers have never been so sensibly agreeing over food and nutrition value. Today, nutrition value of children snacks highly recommended by the related Chinese authority for the first time.
Children’s snacks nutrition value has never been so highly cherished in China
Children’s snacks nutrition value is a trendy phrase in today’s “rice bowls” China, that captures parents’ minds and hearts, that forms a common care. Nutrition value in children’s snacks has never been so highly emphasised in China so far.
Chinese consumers have never been so sensibly agreeing over food and nutrition value. Today, focusing on snacks food nutrition value is a trend among Chinese consumers. Nutrition value of children snacks highly recommended by the related Chinese authority, and appreciated by Chinese consumers.
Today, nutrition factor of kids’ snacks is primary emphasised, it has never been so significance valued on price tag, parents appreciated nutrition implication of kid’s snacks reached higher level in China.
Overall, Chinese consumers keep alert over nutrition worth when it comes to food quality, some even go beyond looking for imported children snacks these sensations has never happened before among Chinese consumers in China.
Policy maker has put finger on nutritional value of kid’s snacks
Nutritional value of kid’s snacks has so alerted authority in China. As majority Chinese family has one child, to keep healthy is priority, even the policy maker has put finger on nutritional value of kid’s snacks for the first time.
Statistically speaking that overweight and obesity were common phenomenon among Chinese children age under 6 (10.4%), and teenagers age between 6-17 (19.0%). Chinese kids’ nutrition-related health issues alarming the parents, food industry, and related Chinese authority.
For the exact reason, the China Nutrition Association [中国营养学会] issued Dietary Guidelines for Chinese school-age children in 2022 [中国学龄儿童膳食指南-2022], which indicates that deficit vital micronutrients effect on kids health and growth, give policy recommendations on children nutrients intake, alert parents read the ingredients labels with care before purchasing.
Today, a obvious progress has been made with newly parenthood side, there are almost 70% young parents primary focus on nutritional value of children snacks, which matters for kids health and growth. In addition, 56% of Chinese young parents prefer products that incorporate additional dietary fibber nutritional ingredients.
Chinese consumption of snacks consumption is spreading faster than ever, appreciated nutritional value, particularly with children’s snacks is a raising trend in China.
The status of nutrition has been upgraded to higher level in China
The of nutrition significance in childhood development upgraded to higher level in China, more and more educated Chinese parents believe, proper nutrition nourish the brain, grow strong body, and live long.
Especially young Chinese parents realized that a nutrient-rich diet supports children’s overall strength and wellbeing, allowing them to have the energy to run around in community outdoor playground, kick ball in school yard.
Therefore nutrition rich kids snacks attract more attention from nutrition value point of view in China, appropriate nutrition is essential to think through when purchasing kids snacks, as it prevents obesity and reduces the risk of overweight. Even it is also implied that health and innovation are two main distinguishing pillars in the progress of children snacks food industry.
Modernised consumer habits is taking shape in China: nutrition value is a core
What are modernised consumer habits in China? It is a health and nutrition focused mentality shifting, snacked food with higher nutrition value is much more appreciated by modern-day Chinese consumers.
Modernization has been one of the most important elements of this China snacks market change. lifestyle has become a unstop evolution, and it has been upgrading persistently.
With a growing focus on health consciousness, snacks are expected to embrace functional, offering sugar free alternatives, high-fibre options, and protein-rich formulations.
Go with the Follow, and benefits from the modern lifestyle, which include better access healthy food, particularly, variety quicker-fix quality snacks, and greater efficiency and convenience in daily eating tasks with good food in general, and innovative snacks food in particularly.
Chinese consumer mentality is shifting rapidly over health and nutrition in recent years, children’s snakes ‘Go with Follow’ of modernised consumer habits is about taking off in China.